Ideas to reduce energy use of appliances

Ideation challenge for innovators, students and creatives

Philips Domestic Appliances (Philips DA) are used in homes in more than 100 countries. Taken together these appliances use an enormous amount of energy. At Philips DA we are on a mission to reduce CO2 emissions through lower energy use. We don’t stop at improving our own (production) processes but want to lower the energy use of all the products we produce in their total lifecycle.


That is why we are looking for ideas to lower the energy consumption of our domestic appliances. We challenge you to lead the transition in becoming sustainable and join us in impacting our future positively. In the Innovate to Green Challenge, we DAre you to come up with innovative ideas and concepts that help to achieve this mission in one of three ways:


  • Improve the energy efficiency of our domestic appliances by reducing the input power.
  • Allow for a shorter use of the product.
  • Influence the behavior of people to reduce power usage.

What can you win?

  • 5x €1.000,- for finalists: 3-5 ideas will get selected tp pitch their idea during the finals
  • €2.500 if we decide to use your idea: In that case, we will ask you to transfer any rights that apply to your idea to Philips DA. 
  • Coaching opportunities by one of our leaders: if you are interested in further developing your idea at Philips DA, you can get coaching and support from our leaders and experts from a field of your choice (e.g. R&D, Marketing, Sustainability etc.)
  • Career opportunities: if you are student and your idea is selected, we will offer you the possibility for an internship at Philips DA 
    The selection process


Online info meetup

Join the online information meetup on Monday 7th of March from 02:00PM-03:00PM



Do you have the idea that can help us innovate to green? Send us your pitch via


Read the whole challenge and apply here

Challenge info

Dagen Uur Minuten

Deadline: 11 april 2022
Status: Wachten op uitslag

Prijzen(geld): €7,500 + Career opportunities

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